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Monday, October 5, 2009

My holiday

On the holidays I went to New Zealand. I staid at Cristi church for 1 day and we staid in a cabana and it was right next to the shot over jet and we got to see one. we went to the snow and I skied some of mybrothers where skiing like me and we went to chirst church and we stade there for 1 day. than we went to qweens town. we stade there for 3 days. and we saw a avalanche and we hared a avalanche. the mountian that we went to was the remarkables and coronet pete the best one was coronet pete.


Nicholas' Blog said...

Hi jorden Your blog rocks.how was your trip to new zealand? Was it good or very good? I think for you that it was very good.

Nicholas' Blog said...

hi jorden.I cant belveve that leverpool beat mancester.