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Monday, September 14, 2009

Plant experiment

Last week we made a experiment. it was fun making a plant experiment. my experiment was called a little light.I was in a group and in my group was Michael and Jay. today thay have shooted. thay have buds and thay have leaves. at the end we can eat them. the seeds were mung bean seeds and i'm haveing a great time and the no light is shooting a lot can you believe that everyone and some people have realy good plants. I with my group have disovereved with my class what do plants need to grow and we have a little booklet. there was day 1 to day 14 an day 14 is today and thay had ben better then yestarday and the regular water is wining today.


Veronica said...

Awesome post Jordan! Can't wait to see them when they're bigger. YUM!